Transfer Parts Inventory

Fleet Maintenance Pro Shop Edition and Maintenance Pro Professional Edition allow you to track parts inventory quantities in multiple warehouses.  You may wish to transfer all or part of your inventory from one warehouse location to another.

Click the Parts button on the main toolbar to view Parts Inventory Management.  

You can filter the data grid to show inventory for one specific warehouse or for All Locations (a).  Remember that you can drag-and-drop columns to reposition.  

A separate row will display for each part warehouse record.

For example, part PH3506 has been saved in both Warehouse #1 (quantity 2) (b) and Warehouse #2 (quantity 4) (c)

Right click on the part record you wish to transfer FROM and select Transfer Inventory

Choose the destination Transfer To warehouse, the Quantity, and a Reason (optional)

Inventory quantities at both the source and destination update accordingly:

You then have the option to REMOVE any warehouses no longer needed as shown in this article: Save or Remove Part Warehouse

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