Report Designer - Add a Logo

1. Go to the Reports menu and choose the report to which you wish to add your logo. 

2. Click the " Customize" button at the bottom of the "Report Viewer" window.  You will open to the Design tab.

3. Expand the desired section - when you hover your mouse over the section divider, it will change to a double-headed arrow.  Click and drag to expand.

4. Reposition any existing fields or labels to make space if needed.

5. Click the " Image" icon in the toolbar and then click in the destination location.

6. Right-click in the (Image) placeholder and choose " Picture"

7. Browse to your logo image file and click " Open"

8. Click and drag any of the 4 corners of the image to resize.

8. Click the " Preview" tab to view your logo in position.

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