SQL Server Backup Restore (.BAK File Restore)

In some cases, IMS Technical Support will make repairs to your SQL database and provide a backup .BAK file for you to restore.  The FMP.MDF database will already be in place in your SQL Server Management Studio.  This article demonstrates the steps for the backup restore.  FMP refers to Fleet Maintenance Pro and MP refers to Maintenance Pro; article screenshots have been taken with Fleet Maintenance Pro.

1. Right click on the FMP database and go to Tasks > Restore > Database

2. Change the Source to Device (a), then Browse (b) and Add (c)

3. Make sure the backup is selected/checked in the Restore Plan section:

4. Click the Files page, check the box to "Relocate all files to folder" and choose the directory which holds your .MDF and log files

5. Click the Options page and check the box to "Overwrite the existing database (WITH REPLACE)"

6. Click OK and look for the confirmation restored successfully.

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