- Utilizing The Built-In Help Resource

While our knowledge base is a great place to get help and gather information, we did want you to know that there is a great Help guide built into the software. The built-in help resource is very convenient to access and a great place to check for information.

To access this resource, go to Help in the top menu and click on Contents:

The Help screen will appear:

On the left hand side, you will see tabs for Contents), Index and Search. These options are described below.

Contents Tab - This tab shows organized categories on the left hand side for you to browse through.
Index Tab - This is another way to find information using keywords.
Search Tab - Here you can type in a keyword, such as 'Maintenance', and a list of topics will appear below. Very useful!

Most of the time, you will be using the Contents and Search tabs.

A lot of the items here include screenshots, which should make this built-in resource very handy. 

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