Equipment Management
The Equipment Management screen is the primary control center for all equipment. The data displays in a grid of rows and columns, and you may customize the data grid display to suit your needs.
Use the collapsible Location tree to filter equipment by Location and/or Category.
Or you can sort / filter by a specific column.
Click the plus sign to the left of equipment to view due tasks.
Or expand the detail pane to display equipment information as you navigate.
Here is an example of the information displayed in an open Detail pane:
Use the New button at the top to add new equipment.
Use the Action buttons on the right to edit existing assets, Issue Work Orders, schedule Repair Requests, and record Fuel transactions and daily Inspections.

Sign In / Out to create or complete a Job Site Assignment.
Task Setup provides access to both PM Schedule Templates and per-asset tasks, which include PM Services, Repair Tasks, and Renewals.
More Actions lists advanced options such as Accidents, Fluid Usage, and Tire Assignment.