Add New Parts
From the Inventory Management screen you can click the blue New button on the top to add a new part to the system. You can also click the white + sign next to Parts on the left menu.
This will bring you to the New Part screen.
The only required field for a new part is Part Number. Other information available to store for each part includes Name, Description, Manufacturer, Category, Base Cost, and UPC scan code. Two custom user-defined fields are also available.
Check the E nable Inventory Tracking box on the Identification tab to assign warehouses, enter initial quantity, and record details specific to each warehouse. Note that this is only available on the Shop edition.
The Advanced tab includes the option to define a markup by value or percentage, establish a warranty period, and indicate part substitutions and alternate UPC codes. Photos and Attachments can be uploaded via the remaining two tabs.
Images on the Photo tab can be displayed on the Inventory list.