Update Physical Inventory Count

If you need to update the quantity of a large number of parts at once you can utilize our Update Physical Inventory Count feature. This is a quicker alternative than manually adjusting the quantity of each part separately.

To get to this function, go to the Inventory list, click the button to the right of New and choose Update Physical Count.

You can also get to this by clicking Quick Actions and choosing Physical Inventory Count.

This will bring you to the Update Physical Inventory screen.

Here you will be presented with a list of all of your parts. You can use the Warehouse drop down at the top and the Search box to look for a specific part.

Current Qty shows you how much of the part you have in stock right now. You can edit the blue column for Actual Qty and enter in the true stock amount. Do this for all parts that need their quantities changed.

Note that you may see some part numbers duplicated. This will happen if you are viewing all warehouses and the part is located in multiple warehouses.

When you press the Save button on the bottom, the parts will all update to the amounts entered in the Actual Qty column. 

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