Security Module: Step 3 - Creating And Editing Users

Now that your Security Profiles are setup, we can start setting up our user accounts.

On the left hand side click on People to bring up your current list of Employees.

Double click on an existing employee to edit them. In the Edit Employee screen click on the Security tab.

Login: This is the user name the employee will use when opening up Fleet Maintenance Pro. It can be set to anything you'd like.
Password: This is the password the employee will use when opening up Fleet Maintenance Pro. There are no restrictions here on password length or complexity.
Profile: Here you will find a list of Security Profiles that have been setup. Choose a profile you wish to apply to this employee. Note: If you leave it set to 'None Selected' the employee will have access to everything by default.
Locations: Here you have the ability to lock this employee down to have access to only certain locations setup in the software.
Warehouse: Here you can restrict which warehouses the employee can edit/view/use.

Press Save on the bottom to keep any changes you've made on this screen. Now the employee will be able to login to Fleet Maintenance Pro with their own username and password.

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