
In this article:
Accessing Warehouses
Filtering Inventory List By Warehouse

Fleet Maintenance Pro allows you to organize your Parts Inventory into multiple warehouse facilities. Warehouses are intended to be different physical locations where part stock is kept.  

Accessing Warehouses

Click Setup | Warehouses to define these.

From the Warehouses management screen you can click New to add a new warehouses to the system. You can also click the Edit button (pencil icon) to change the name of a warehouse, or the Delete icon (red X) to remove a warehouse from the system.

Click the Email Notifications tab to add any contacts that should be emailed when parts need to be re-ordered.

Filtering Inventory List By Warehouse

There is a drop down box on the top right of the Inventory List that you can use to view parts from only one warehouse.

You can also click the folder icon to the left of the Parts heading to see a list of warehouses and corresponding part types. Clicking a warehouse name on the left will filter the part list to only display parts from the selected warehouse.

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