Daily Inspections

In many industries equipment must be inspected on a daily basis.  This may include fluid level checks, meter readings, safety inspections, and more.  You can establish a list of daily tasks, generate printed checklists for your technicians to complete in hard copy, enter results into the program for history tracking, and print reports of the inspection results as needed.

Daily Inspection tasks applied to a unit of equipment are based upon the PM Schedule Template to which it is assigned. Because of this, all equipment on the same PM Schedule will inherit the same Daily Inspection checklist items.

Add Daily Inspection Checklist To PM Schedule Template

To add an inspection checklist to a schedule template, click Setup on the top menu and choose PM Schedule Templates.

Highlight the PM Schedule name on the left side. Then click the Daily Inspections tab.

Click the blue +New button on the bottom to add a new checklist item.

In the first box type in the Name of the checklist item. The Type drop down is used to describe what kind of inspection item this is (electrical, body, etc.). If you are unsure of what to enter here, leaving it set to Normal is appropriate. Priority of the checklist item can be set as well, though this is left at Normal in most cases.

Click on Save to go back to the list. Click Save+ to keep adding more checklist items. As the items are saved they will populate the list.

If you wish to print a hard copy of your newly added Daily Inspection Checklist, click Reports on the top right and click Daily Inspection Checklist.

Filling Out An Inspection Record

From the equipment list, click the Actions button and choose Inspection.

You can also click the Quick Actions button and choose Daily Inspection.

You will then be presented with the New Inspection screen.

Select the Equipment you wish to perform the inspection on.

Select the Inspector who is carrying out the inspection.

The Date will default to today's date.

TIP: If you need to create a backdated inspection, go to Equipment History | Inspections Tab | Click New. This same screen will appear but the date will be selectable.

Enter the current odometer reading (mileage or hours) of the equipment.

Specify a general condition of the equipment (good, excellent, or poor).

On the right you can enter any miscellaneous Notes.

Below you will find the full inspection check list.

If nothing is at fault you can check All OK and press Save. This will check OK for all checklist items without going to each individual row.

Check Fault for any items that failed inspection. You can enter comments into the Notes column.

Click the Camera icon to attach an image to the checklist item.

Clicking the blue wrench will pull up the New Repair Request window. Creating a repair request will add the maintenance task to the equipment, and let the system know that something needs to be addressed.

TIP: You can create repair requests for all faults at the same time using the blue Bulk Repair Request button on the bottom left.

Whenever you are finished with the inspection click Save on the bottom. The inspection will be added to the equipment's history.

Viewing Historical Inspection Records

To view saved inspection records for a piece of equipment click the Actions button and click History.

The Equipment Profile will open up into the History section. Click the Inspection tab.

Any previously saved inspection records will be viewable here. You can double click on a row to view the inspection record.

Click the pencil icon on the right to edit a record. Click the red X on the right to delete any erroneous inspections.

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