Search, Sort, And Filter

Fleet Maintenance Pro comes with a Global Search box at the top of the program. You can utilize this to quickly access any records.

Most data grids are equipped with their own Search box which will allow you to search across all data displayed in the current view:

You may sort any column by clicking in the header: one click sorts ascending, the second click sorts descending.

In this example, notice that the Type field is being sorted in alphabetical order from clicking the header name.

Column Filters

Hover your mouse over a column header to show the Filter icon. It will look like an oval. Note that this icon is usually hidden unless the mouse is on the box.

Clicking on the filter button will display a check list of all values currently present in that column.

All items that are checked will be displayed, all unchecked items will be hidden.

Columns with date values will offer more advanced filtering options, as shown here:

Row Filter

The row filter will add a new line underneath of the column headings which you can use to filter values. To enable the row filter, click the gear icon on the top right of the data grid and choose Show Row Filter.

A bluish line will appear underneath the column headings.

You can click into the row and start typing to filter out the column.

Tip: The % symbol can be used as a wildcard value.

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