Security Module: Introduction

The Security Module is an optional add-on which enables you to keep your equipment and company data safe by requiring user logins and passwords for program access.  Set permissions to main menu items, screen accessibility, and record operations (add, edit, delete) on most screens.  Create "Profiles" for groups of employees with similar access needs, or apply user exceptions to individuals.  There is no limit to the number of users.  If your equipment is categorized by location, you can also restrict users to viewing equipment data from certain locations.

Go to Security > User Administration to access the "Configure Security" window.

The first tab displays your Users list, where you can view and edit existing users, add new users, or delete.

The second tab lists your Profile Restrictions.  Create a profile for a group of employees with similar needs.  For example, a Driver profile can hide or disable all program functions except recording fuel transactions, updating the odometer, or requesting repairs.

The third tab allows for User Exceptions.  On a per-user basis, enable or disable access which has been defined by the user's profile.

The fourth tab shows Login History, a record of all login/logout transactions for the program. All open sessions have blank "Logout Date" and "Logout Time" fields.  Click the "Clear" button to remove all entries.

The fifth tab stores the Security Log which keeps track of add, edit, and delete operations and identifying information such as the user login, date, time, and PC from which the task was performed.  You can sort by date, Identification, or task to easily find the entry you are looking for.

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